Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sitoplasma: Solok mari!!

Haha...lame syiaalll tak update blog. Okay....

Just wanna share with you guys about my trip to Solok. Ade program for high school kids. It is called SITOPLASMA. Its a short for simulasi try out paling asyik untuk anak SMA. Haha...aku maen taram je... Here they always use short form for everything. Its good actually. Shows their creativity but kalau da terlalu banyak damn annoying la... Tak abeh2 nk gune short form. Okay...Continue....

The perjalanan from FK (Fakultas Kedokteran) to solok take like 4 hours. Damn jaoh. But actually tak jaoh sbnanye...the road is kinda 'kampung' gitu...Even my kampung has better road than theirs. Tp tahan je la...Negara orang kan..We dont want any pergaduhan....hehe..whoopps..Sensitivitas masyarakat. 

Dalam perjalanan aku ke solok, naseb baek ade pemandangan cantek....

 tp kalo da bosan la jadinye....aku amek gambo sendiri.....ade byk i just keep it to myself...heheh....

Along the way, sejuk and dingin.....when we reached there da tak sejuk dah.....sejuk sket alhamduliilah. The venue for this program is at SMA 1 Solok. Well, skolah menengah diowang kat sini erm....if u wanna compare high school in Malaysia...mmg kalah la diowang...we have better facilities. I mean really really better than theirs. Perghh pesal aku nk compare2 nih...haishh.. tp be grateful la...u live in Malaysia...shut up! (mood kacau)

The Malaysian students yg pegi ke solok adalah aku, Iqram and Syarmira. Seriously, we gained many experiences. Mmg priceless...

But the main purpose of this SITOPLASMA program is to give early exposure to students in SMA about the big exam that they will take which is SNMPTN. I dont know the meaning of it but i know it is like SPM la....National exam. Before they will enter university, they have to take the exam. So, our program is to give them try out and show them how university life is all about. 

Plus, we also wanna collect some dana for Dekan Cup. So, we decided to sell some buttons too..

And the program ends. FYI, this is the first time I jadi pengawas peperiksaan. Perrghh...bosan nk mampos!! Mcm mane la cikgu2 yg jadik pengawas peperiksaan leh thn...perghh...mantap2...

Lepas abeh program, ape lg jalan2 arh!!!

We decided to jalan2 ke skitar solok....thanks to Lutfi coz ade kete bwk kitowang jalan2....

Ape2 pun thanks to Panitia SITOPLASMA Solok kerana menjayakan program. Thanks to all for your cooperation and hard work. And also thanks for inviting me into ur program guys. Appreciate it. 

Last but not least, thank to Deky because sediakan tempat penginapan utk saye dan juge iqram and the most important thing is thanks to his father and also his mother.. Diowang baek sgt and terasa cam keluarga sendiri...thanks guys....