Friday, March 23, 2012

Ulang tahun aku!!

Happy birthday. Selamat Hari Jadi. Selamat Hari Lahir.  Haha. Boring. Now I'm Indonesia so its Selamat Ul ang Tahun. Like my anniversary or what-so-ever. Today is my birthday. 20 years now and I still alive. Alhamdulillah. I have grown to be a man that I do not expected to be. A medical student. However, the most important thing I want to dedicate this day to my mom especially. In 1992, 24th March and approximately in the morning, you have giving birth to a special boy. All the pain and sacrifices at the moment you giving birth to me  is out of this world. You were fighting against death so that I live. Words cant describe it. I deserve nothing. Who was the one struggling most on my birthday. Not me of course. Its you Mak and full support from Ayah. Mak and Ayah are deserve the wishes and presents. I know how often I took you guys for granted when I was growing up. I always assumed you'd be there when I needed you and you always were. But I never really thought about what that meant till now and began to realize how often your time and energy were devoted to me. So now, for all the times I didn't say it before, Thank you Mak and Ayah. I love you guys so much! Syukur Alhamdulillah....

Mak and Ayah...this one for you. I love you............

Muah!! Wan da 20 thn da....


  1. untungla dah 20 tahun.. hahahahahaha.....:D


  2. harith...asl anonymous? mane account kau? haha...thanks weyh...
