On 14th January, senior from UniKL RCMP came to my college. Buat program bertujuan untuk mendedahkan kehidupan budak2 RCMP la gitu...haha...Mmg best sbb all the facilitator were nice and friendly. Sporting gilerrrrrrrrr....gedik seyh... But anyway, we have fun and all the activities were exciting. At the beginning, I thought that this program just a typical program that I've entered before this:
BORING!.....tp tak pon...ok la...Lgi2 la aku kene jadi urusetia. Thank god, with the help of my friend Nabilah Fitri..all the works and other things were okay. Tkde problem pon. Syok bekerja ngn die and all the AJK's...especially Ashraf Ahmad, the leader and Mustaqim, the Food AJK. Muahahhaha....
Okay lets get over with the pictures!!!
ade gamba lagi..tp internet lmbab cam babi.