Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Genting Highlands.

Last Saturday : Best lah!!!

-Even though ade membe yg tak dpt nk hadir bersama tp takpe maybe next time.
-Puas bermain sampai letih, bukti~ masuk dlm bas terus tdo! hahahha
-Thanks guys. Kite dpt meluangkan masa bersama2...haha...
-Walaupon ade perasaan tak puas ati dlm diri masing2, kita dpt mengharunginya dgn tenang.
-Next time, overseas lak!!! hahaha

Lastly, kawan sampai mati lah...!!

peace out...chow.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Practical!! Done!!

Now, waiting for my parents to pick me up! 

Im alone.

Everybody one by one went home...

I have nothing to do.

Im alone.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tesis bahasa SMS...wutta??

Straight from the newspaper,

Pensyarah kesan pelajar IPTA terbiasa guna singkatan dalam tugasan

Kuala Lumpur: Fenomena penggunaan bahasa singkatan SMS dan bahasa sembang siber yang semakain serius mempengaruhi pelajar sekolah turut melanda pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) sehingga ada yang menggunakannya dalam penulisan tesis dan tugasan.

Malah ada pensyarah yang berasa tidak dihormati dan menganggap pelajar bersikap biadap kerana menghantar SMS yang singkat dan tidak formal seolah-olah memandang remeh batasan hubungan antara pensyarah an pelajar.

My point of view!

Screw all of you yg mereportkan bende remeh temeh ni! Takkan la pelajar nk guna bahasa sms dalam nk wat tesis. Bodohnye........sengal2...(Sorry harsh sket). Tp ye lah u guys already in university. Come on man! takkan la tuu pon nk kene ajar. This thing is just a stupid kind of problem that can be solve by themselves yg tak tau nk bezakan penggunaan sms dan formal. Hishh! Buat aku menyampah je org camni!

n pasal pensyarah tuu  pulak. Da kate SMS singkatan utk Short Message Service!!! mestilah kene singkatan. Tak logik la nk anta mesej yg formal jugak laen la kalo anta email ke ape..da kata sms! guys!!! takkan bende ni pon nk dipertikaikan...n then lecturer pon ade gk yg anta sms yg singkat gk! tunjuk sket muke lecturer mane yg rase dirinya tak dihargai kalo ade owg anta mesej yg singkat..tunjuk sket! malu la weyh!!! ish!!!!

Ni muke menyampah aku!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tak sangke kau Tauge!!

At last, the cause of this transmission of E.coli disease is actually from bean sprout. What?? Ceh, tuu je. Source said that this transmission starts in German where there is a small scale organic farm that supply bean sprout and others vegetables. Pegawai pertanian di German melaporkan bahawa seramai 22 orang telah pun meninggal dunia dan seramai 2,200 orang lagi jatuh sakit..Tuu dia!

So, kids! Listen up! If u guys really hate vegetables,

 this is the right excuse to tell to your parents. 

Suke kau! ceh! haahhahahahahhaha...


Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Azuan dah kembang lah"...

Yes. Memang tak dapat dinafikan bhw saya dah kembang. Ceh, tak bangge pon tp tuu la. Happy kot. Haha..But for me, I think maybe hormon. Ye la. Transformasi lah kan. Remaja ke dewasa. Tambah berat la sket. Heeee..Sket je...So, because of this I want to blog about obesity. Yeah, of course I want to change that. I want to lose a bit of my excess fat. Sket je...hehe..So, here we go!

First of all, kene lah tahu what is overweight (gemuk/berisi/kembang! haha) kan. Taklah sume mcm maen ckp je..Muhahaha! Okay, what is overweight? Overweight or obesity tuu same lah. Both are labels for ranges of weight that are greater from the ideal weight that consider healthy for a given height. Kene tgk gak kowang nyer tinggi dan berat badan. Kene seimbang. Kalo cam aku, aku kan tinggi so berat pun kene seimbang.

How to consider yourself as an overweight person? Haha. Okay, you have to know your weight and height. By using that, you can calculate your 'Body mass index' (BMI). It used to know your body fat amount.

Okay let just end this craps!

Now, I want to share with you guys about my plan for weight loss. Yeah! I searched the internet for articles that may help in the process of losing my weight. Hahaha. Finally, after many pages I searched, I find this articles very helpful and informative. Wah...haha...

It is about the easiest steps to lose weight. You can search yahoo or google for this or you can simply read directly from my blog.

The title for this article is :

11 Foods for Faster, Easier, Weight Loss

I find that this is very helpful for me because I want to have a slim body. Cehh....haha..

1) Yogurt

Mmmmm. This creamy, tangy snack is loaded with calcium and studies show that calcium may curtail weight gain by hindering the absorption of fat in the small intestine. Same la kot kalo kowang minum Yakult. hehehe..

2) Eggs

Turn breakfast into fat-burning morning boost by skipping Nasi Lemak and feasting on a couple of eggs instead. It helps to reduce 65% of body weight.

3) Pistachios

Nuts may be high in fat but it's the healthful unsaturated kind of fat found in the pistachios. It offers a lot of protein and fiber. It helps your appetites and lose more weight.

4) Grapefruit

Grapefruit. Aku igt buah limau bali kot. Aku pon tak tau. But its okay maybe you guys know. Okay, this grapefruit can help dieters shed more weight than the others that skip appetizers. 

5) Avocado

6) Mushrooms

7) Olive oil

8) Whole Grains

9) Red Pepper 

10) Fava beans

11) Rice with Veggies

Yeah, that is pretty much it how to reduce your body weight. If you want the easier way to effectively and permanently, you need to eat smart. Hahaha..I want to try! yeah!
