This blog I want to dedicate to my fellow friends from class T03 yg sangat best. X penah aku dpt class yg gempak camni walaupun bilangan jelita lebih bnyk drpd jejaka but still it is the best class I've ever had. Ok. From the start, aku nk cite psl aku mule2 smpai di KMKN. Mule aku dpt kelas yg Mamat, Fendi, Baihaqi and the other girls aku tak igt. Pastuh kene rombak kelas. Alah, sekejap je pon. Then, the real one I discovered that there were only two guys in my class which were me and Harith. The girls, Syahirah, Farhana, Fatin, Diana and Fairuz. Aku pon cam happy gak. Sket je. The, I was wondering at that time who was Harith Afifi pastuh ade sorang mamat ni dtg bilik aku....die pon bg salam, die tanye aku "Azuan eh?" ok...hahah..aku pon tny balek. "Afifi eh?" pastuh die ckp " jgn panggil Afifi, malu la...hehe..panggil Harith je" aku pun cam okk....haha...At that moment, aku tau yg die ni bdak kelantan. haha...I know from the accent. huuuh...ok...Harith la yg first tegur aku among all the classmates, of course la die sorang je budak laki...hehe...Hari pertama da kitowang sesat nk cari Bilik Teratai. Ceh, pusing satu KMKN nk cari bilik ni haram...

" He is not just ordinary 'budak kelantan", for me he is someone that u can rely on and at the same time have good sense of humour. "
The next person yg aku jumpe ialah sorang gadis ni yg sgt loud! I mean loud. Really loud if she project her voice and if she get mad at something. So, beware! hahahaha...Her name is Syahirah. We are from the same school which is MRSM Gemencheh. Although she a bit kerek sometimes, however she is actually have caring personality. I know her, I can see her true personality when she tried to help me whenever I need her help. Mcm2 lah..byk nak ckp ni...and jgn maen2 die ni byk info pasl general knowledge. Dont be surprised that one day she will become one of our Menteri. Muahahahah.....and lastly she have a big laugh, I mean BIG LAUGH...u can hear from miles. hehee...jgn mara...upps..
"Caring, responsible, hardworking and good listener"
Seterusnya! Fatin. woho...the genius in class..oh man...she is very clever. Frankly, a little bit jealous. But, normal la...jelez kat budak pandai, sape tak jelez. She has the best smile in the class, yes you do Fatin. For me, she is the best when the time I need a mentor for my studies. She will help me in achieving greatness in all aspects of my life. I mean she will do her best. Susah dpt kwan camni. Tak ramai yg kat luar sane tuh macam die. Pernah satu hari tuh, malam tuu ade kuiz maths, and aku sepatah haram pon tak blaja and tak tau camner nk buat. So, aku anta mesej kat die ckp I desperately need her help and ad hock she helped me.Wow, sgt terharu....aku pon cam best la..haha...n alhamdulillah aku dpt A and thanks to her....Fatin, hg hebat la....n bile aku rase susah mesti hg tolong ceriakan aku...indirectly and directly...
" Never let me down, always give the best, always smile and never underestimate your friend's capability"
Noktah. Hahaha....Diana yg sering menceriakan suasana kelas yg adakalanya suram. Best budak ni. She is someone that u can trust and the best thing is she can lead. She is a leader to me. Budak ni byk idea. Sgt byk. Various ideas gitu...hehe....byk idea yg dapt digunakan and kalo da dapat idea tuh mmg die akan gunekan idea tu..of cos la...ape aku merepek nih...uurrggh...and she is very attractive and talkative. Yeah, she talk a lot most of the time. Wuhuu...Die selalu gk buat lawak...tak pernah boring ngn die..
"Various ideas, sunshine of the class, always humor me, and a good company"
Yg ni plg best. Dok ngn die mesti tak kering gusi...Asyik nk gelak je keje.. Farhana!!! Hahaha...She always smile whenever she had the chance and she always make fun of everything directly or indirectly. Mksd aku sume bende die buat mesti aku nk tergelak. Die tak buat lawak pon tp disebabkan sifat semula jadi die yg lwak membuatkan aku nk tergelak je. She can be describe as a class clown. Selalu buat lwak. You know what Farhana, each and everyone of us adore you and that's true. Plus, die nii pandai dlm bidang agama.yalah product dari sekolah agama. heeeee ..
" Reliable, caring, funny, person that I respect the most. "
Fairuz pulak! Heeeee......Ok.This girl is very interesting to me. She is very fragile. She will cry about everything. Me and Harith always try to bully her in good way and the best part is she wont put a fight. She is very sporting and sempoi! Haha...I feel very protective of her. Kalo ape jadi kat die, siaplah. Aku akan datang back up! Tuu dia! Dont worry Fairuz, me and Harith ade...wah... ok. We love u Fairuz and be strong!
" Hardworking, good listener, always make me laugh"
Ok selepas sume 6 org ni aku jumpe, budak second intake dtg..and the first person is the one yg knock my door to introduce himself. Yes, Azzam. Huhu. He is someone that you can trust and can be a good listener. One thing for sure, he is very good in computer stuffs and I called him a down loader. It is because he will download movies, games, musics and others and he will supply to us. That will make us shift focus. Bad Azzam. But its okay though, for me. heeeeeee...nice Azzam and one last thing, I'm sorry for the insulting. I know deep down inside you get hurt so badly because of that. I'm sorry. heeee....
" Understanding person, the most patient person I have ever met, I respect you lah..."
Farihah pulak! This girl huh is 1 year older than me. Kakak Farihah! She is very clever no wonder lah...She is someone that you can follow means that role model. She is very hardworking and we have the same hobby sleep. I think la...aku maen ckp je. Die dok sebelah aku. She is very kind. Ade mamat! heeeee...kalo nak jumpe die pegi la ppkk.....tuu je...Nothing much to say. I'l be missing you kak Farihah!
" Clever, supportive, good friend "
Org kate save the best for the last. Hahah....Rusydatul Nabila. Name that I can describe as unique. I love it. She is very humble in class. Keep quiet all the time but when she open her mouth. Wooww!! mmg dasyat!! She used to participate in debate. No wonder lah.....haha...She is hardworking and fast. All the work that being given to her, she will complete it ASAP. very fast girl. She is punctual and one thing that I like about her hehehee....bile kelas abeh je, die org pertama yg lesap. hahaha....tgk2 da hilang! wah!!! cepatnyer...sorry...jgn mara ye...
" Small profile but high profit, I still remember that quotation, such an inspiring words from you and make me feel like I have to better at something"
There you go. All my classmate yg aku chenta! hahaha...thanks guys for the lovely memories that we had together. I will remember all time that we spend together until I die. Thanks guys!!!!